Origin of REIKI
Energy Body
Colour Therapy
Sound Therapy
Magneto Therapy
Distant Healing
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Magneto therapy is an ancient skill practised in India.It is mentioned in the ' Atharva veda'.
Magneto therapy is a kind of Natural therapy. Minute electromagnetic waves flow into our body constantly.These waves flow from our ten fingers too.
The magnetic waves in our body are weakened by long illness or in old age. If our body resistance is lower we are prone to contract all type of diseases. If magnetic waves are sent into the body they can make up for the loss of strength of the natural waves. Disease are cured and the body becomes stronger.
Every magnet has two poles- South pole and North pole.The North pole is said to be a germ killer, and it is beneficial if you have boils, eczema, or dermatitis of any sort. The South pole creates heat and strength in the body and it's waves are used to cure all types of swellings and pain the body.  

A Narayanan, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.