Origin of REIKI
Energy Body
Colour Therapy
Sound Therapy
Magneto Therapy
Distant Healing
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Colour, Light, and Sound are closely interrelated. All the three have vibrations and waves and they have different measurements.They keep changing and also their effects.
Music has a great therapeutic value. Sound has waves and vibrations which have their own colours. Sound waves and colours can cure diseases.
Not only humans, even animals, birds, and plants are affected by music. Milch animals produce more milk if music is played to them. Plants respond to music and flowers bear fruits sooner.
Treatment by 'Mantras' is an ancient tradition in India.'Mantras' are composed of special words. Words have their own power and they are pronounced in a special manner with the Mind set on them.The sound has minute vibrations and the vibrations have colours. It is these colours which affect a person'sbody and mind and cure him of his ailments.

A Narayanan, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.